21 June 2009


Voice Over....While AC/DC's popularity skyrocked Bon Scott's old friends and contemparies were watching with great interest as he performed around Australia with his new band, the singer was now well and truly a showman.
Maria....Bon yelled his little heart out as he always did and the place was jumping and everybody was really happy and maybe because i was with my husband or maybe because i was with my friends i didnt take the usual posse that i used to have when i was his girlfriend, i stood right at the back and watched the band and for me it was just, i had tears streaming down my face because i was so excited for him i could just see that he was gonna make it and i could just see that it was gonna be sensational for him and his whole dream was gonna come true and of coarse it did.
Johnny Young ....We were all so proud of his success because we always had that feeling that he would do something spectacular.
Glenn Shorrock...That was Bon stripped off ready to go on stage shoving a sock full of sand down the front of his pants, Hi mate how you doing he said grinning at me with the missing tooth with this wicked gleam in his eye, i said what are you doin man, aw he said the chicks love it, zipped it up and off he went on stage true !
Voice Over....AC/DC's constant touring was earning the respect and lifelong support of fans across the country the band played in Bon Scott's home town Perth in February 1977, it was to be his last offical Australian performance.
Doug Thorncroft....I wasnt actually allowed to go to the concert so mum knew that if she didnt take me down there i'd sneak out anyway and get in to the gig, i was only 11 so i was pretty passionate at that point in time so they took me down to the pedestrian bridge in North Bridge and we stood on there and listened to the AC/DC concert and i think we probably heard it better than most people inside because it was loud out there.
Voice Over....Today Doug Thorncroft is working hard to insure Bon Scott's contribution to music is recognised. Along with being a dedicated Bon Scott fan and memoribilla collector he now runs the the WA Bon Scott AC/DC fan club.
Doug....I've always been collecting gear of Bon Scott and AC/DC and that part of it i suppose is an obsession but the music stuff side of it is just my passion for um that style of music. Back in the 70's and 80's we had a lot of great music coming out of Australia and out of AC/DC.
Glenn A Baker....They were ahead of their time, what AC/DC were doing in the mid seventies and doing with vast success would be what most Australian band's would be doing in the late seventies and early eighties but all those bands that were coming along at the end of the 70s were becoming the new heirachy of Australian music, all in a way owe a debt to what Bon and AC/DC had done a few years before.
Brian Cadd....I lived in America for a long time and for the last dozen or so years that i lived there AC/DC were the biggest hard rock band in the world and when they played America it was like the second coming and i dont think Australian's truly realised how absolutely enormous they are everywhere in the world.
Voice Over....As AC/DC switched there attention to making their mark over seas the band was spending less and less time in Australia but Bon Scott always kept in touch with his friends sending them letters and photos on a regular basis.
Maria....Even when i got married and had children he would write to me,always wrote.
Pat...He was a really good letter writer you know, he told a story in every one, he sent me some good cards and stuff like that.
Maria....probably used letter writing more than he used the telephone.
Pat....and that was sort of the highlight every few months we'd get this letter from like Germany or somewhere in Scandinavia and they'd all be really funny stories not that i can mention a lot on television but especially the Scandinavian ones.
Ted....The photo was of Bon lying on a motel bed, his shirt off, hairy chest exsposed surrounded by a couple of his female fans, a bottle of bourbon or scotch, whatever it was, in the hand and the caption on the bottom of the photos was " here i am living the rock n roll life".and i thought that was a good touch.
Glenn A Baker.....All the things that came with being a rock star in the seventies, he took advantage of everything, Bon was not slow in coming forward for any of the delights that were on offer for being a seventies rock star i can promise you that.
Di Bailey....Bon always played hard right from day one, you know the ,sex and drugs and rock n roll was bon
Maria....When Bon became the singer with AC/DC and when he came home to talk with us there was definalty 2 different people if you were to look at Bon as a person to see if there was a difference between the 2 i think at the end there was this crossover from Bonnie from Fremantle and Bon from AC/DC, the 2 edges were fussed a little.

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